Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (bpd/ds) is a bariatric surgical procedure that combines two weight loss procedures, one restrictive, and the other one malabsorptive.
This procedure is performed by bariatric surgeons in two stages. The initial stage consists of the removal of part of the stomach and its reshaping into a smaller pouch in the shape of a tube. This stage is the restrictive part of the procedure because of the change in the amount of food intake that the stomach can now ingest. The second stage of this procedure diverts the small intestine to the duodenum reducing the absorption of fat, calories, nutrients, proteins, minerals absorbed by the body.
The new reduced stomach's capacity allows the patient to feel full while eating less. The valve responsible for releasing food into the small intestine carries the bile and pancreatic fluids combined, moving directly into the duodenum and into the small intestine where proteins, fat, and nutrients are absorbed.
This weight loss surgery affects the volume of food and the way it's absorbed by the body. Patients that undergo this weight loss surgery need to take vitamins, minerals, and supplements permanently to replenish their body of the nutrients and proteins it may be lacking.
This procedure can be done through traditional open surgery or laparoscopic surgery.
Eligible candidates
Several criteria should be met to become an eligible candidate to undergo this weight loss surgery, like, morbid obesity according to international rulings.
This surgical procedure is also highly recommended for patients with Heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, arthritis, etc.
This procedure can be performed in two different stages in patients who exceed 60 BMI. The first stage carries out the sleeve Gastrectomy or the reduction of the stomach and the second stage concerns the small intestine and it’s rerouting. This stage is to be considered around a year later. These measures are taken to reduce as much as possible a high-risk surgery.
The goal of performing this surgery in stages is to reduce the risk of mortality and complications in patients with morbid obesity.
Also, this medical procedure can be an option when bariatric patients require revision surgery because a previous procedure is considered and determined to have failed to achieve the desired results.
Weight loss surgery with optimal results
Because of the combined procedures in this weight loss surgery, the results regarding weight loss are considered very optimal. Patients that keep up with the regimen can lose up to 75-90% of excess weight within the first 12 months.
Patients will remain in periodic follow-up laboratory tests that allow a bariatric specialist to correct any metabolic conditions due to less absorption of nutrients and vitamins.