The Gastric Bypass Surgery Recovery Process

The Gastric Bypass Surgery Recovery Process tijuana

Bariatric surgery represents more than simply an opportunity for overweight people to look and feel better and fitter. Through bariatric surgery, people who struggle with morbid obesity are given a precious opportunity to take control over their health and potentially extend their lives by years, if not decades. Procedures such as gastric bypass surgery offer extraordinary, life-transforming benefits, from dramatically improved overall health to the ability to lead a more active lifestyle.

For all of the benefits it has to offer, however, gastric bypass surgery should not be seen as a simple solution to obesity. In fact, it is an entryway to a lifelong commitment to hard work and healthy living. It is not a means to an end, but a means to a new beginning. And the recovery period from surgery is just one of a series of challenges that patients face as they progress toward their healthier, trimmer new selves.

Dr. Daniel Huacuz is careful to discuss gastric bypass surgery recovery in detail during consultations at his Tijuana, BC bariatric surgery center so that patients understand exactly what to expect before undergoing the procedure. He wants patients to realize that, while gastric bypass surgery is certainly worth the effort, it will require tremendous effort on their part.

If you would like to find out whether you could benefit from gastric bypass surgery, please schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Huacuz at Certified Bariatric Surgeons today.

What Is Gastric Bypass Surgery Recovery Like?

When you awaken from surgery, you may feel some discomfort and you will definitely feel quite groggy as you will be medicated. If your pain level is high, be sure to let your nurse know so that your medication can be adjusted. You may also feel nauseated from the anesthesia, but this will wear off as you become more alert.

In the days following your surgery, you will be advised to get up and walk around as often as you can. This will help to accelerate your healing, and while it may seem to cause pain, it will actually help to prevent even worse pain by releasing the CO2 used during surgery. Your diet will gradually expand, as well. On the day after surgery, you will be allowed to drink water again, which will be a tremendous relief to your dry mouth and swollen throat. You will then be permitted further clear liquids and eventually broth, milk, juice, sugar-free gelatin, and certain strained soups.

After your discharge from the hospital, your pain will most likely be limited to the incision sites and manageable with the pain medication prescribed by Dr. Huacuz. It is extremely important that you follow the doctor’s post-operative instructions to the letter to ensure proper and timely healing. Although you will be advised to get plenty of rest, some light activity, and walking in particular, will be recommended. You will be able to expand your diet to include pureed foods, including blended meats, beans, fish, fruits, and yogurts.

Most patients are able to return to work within one to two weeks of surgery. It is important during the months after surgery to continue to follow all post-operative instructions and to attend all follow-up appointments with Dr. Huacuz.

Learn More about Gastric Bypass Surgery Recovery

To learn more about gastric bypass surgery recovery, please contact Certified Bariatric Surgeons today.

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