Health Questionnaire

Welcome to the first step to a lifestyle change. Please answer all the required questions.

    General information

    First name*

    Last name*


    Date of birth

    Date of birth*



    Marital Status*

    Street Address*



    Zip Code*


    Sugery Request*

    Date of Surgery

    Date of surgery*

    History of past illness

    Have you had any previous surgery? YesNo

    If 'yes' please list surgeries

    Have you ever had any of the following:

    Congential abnormalities YesNo

    Significant hospitalization YesNo

    Other serious ilness YesNo

    Cancer YesNo

    Prior Surgery YesNo

    Chickenpox YesNo

    Tuberculosis YesNo

    Stroke YesNo

    Diabetes YesNo

    Rheumatic fever or heart disease YesNo

    If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, please list the details below if appropriate:

    Medications currently taken

    Please list doses and the interval taken, name of medication, dose and number of times taken per day:

    Family history

    Please indicate if any blood relative had any of the following conditions:

    Cancer YesNo

    Peptic Ulcer Disease YesNo

    Colon polyp(s) YesNo

    Colon diverticulosis YesNo

    Colitis or Crohn's Disease YesNo

    Pancreas disorder YesNo

    Liver disease YesNo

    Diabetes YesNo

    Stroke YesNo

    Heart trouble YesNo

    Bleeding tendency YesNo

    Arthritis YesNo

    Convulsions or seizures YesNo

    Anemia YesNo

    Kidney disorder YesNo

    Tuberculosis YesNo

    Please complete the following information regarding your close relatives: if deceased, please enter age at death and cause of death:



    Please enter any other important family history not listed above:

    Social / personal history

    Please indicate if any blood relative had any of the following conditions:

    Drinking alcohol NeverRarelyModerately

    How often?

    Smoking NeverPreviously smokedPresently smoking

    How often?

    Do you drink coffee? YesNo

    Cups per day

    Are you exposed to fumes, dust or solvents? YesNo

    What is your job/ occupation?

    Drugs recently taken - within the past six months

    Mark all the appopiate NSAID's (such as ibuprofen, naprosen. eg. Advil, Aleve, etc)Anticoagulants (such as Coumadin or Warfarin) TranquilizersAcetominophen (such as Tylenol)Alternative or Complementary medsDiet aids, supplements or prescriptionsNSAID's (such as Vioxx and Celebrex, etc) Cortisone / Steroids / ACTHHypotensives (high blood pressure medicines) Aspirin AntibioticsHerbals Supplements

    Allergies and sensitivities

    Antibiotics (Allergic) PenicillinSulfa drugs


    Narcotics MorphineCodeineDemerol


    Anesthetics Novocaine


    Analgesics Aspirin / Empirin


    Serums Tetanus antitoxin


    Foods EggsMilkShellfish


    Other drugs or medication:

    System review





    Recent weight change YesNo

    Good health in general YesNoUnknown

    Fevers YesNo

    Chills YesNo

    Change in appetite YesNo


    Change in appetite YesNo

    Rash YesNo

    Frequent infection or boils YesNo

    Pain with swallowing YesNo

    Trouble swallowing (eg. food sticks in the throat) YesNo

    Regurgitation of food YesNo

    Belching YesNo

    Nausea YesNo

    Peptic Ulcer Disease (stomach or duodenum) YesNo

    Vomiting food or blood YesNo

    Surgery to the esophagus YesNo

    Surgery to the stomach YesNo

    Surgery to the small intestines YesNo

    Surgery to the large intestines (colon) YesNo

    Bloating YesNo

    Abdominal pain YesNo

    Pain after meals YesNo

    Food intolerance YesNo

    Gall bladder disease (e.g. surgery or gallstone) YesNo

    Liver disease YesNo

    Jaundice YesNo

    Hepatitis YesNo

    Blood Transfusion YesNo

    Pancreas Disease YesNo

    Constipation YesNo

    Diarrhea YesNo

    Laxative use YesNo

    Black colored bowel movements YesNo

    Colitis YesNo

    Crohn's Disease YesNo

    Diverticulosis YesNo

    Polyps YesNo

    Recent change in bowel habits YesNo

    Painful bowel movements YesNo

    Blood in the stool YesNo

    Mucus in the stool YesNo

    Pus in the stool YesNo

    Fistula YesNo

    Hemorrhoids YesNo

    Anal fissures YesNo

    Anal pain or cramps YesNo

    Anal itching YesNo

    Bowel movements in the late night YesNo

    Irregular bowel movements (inability to control timing) YesNo


    Skin Disease YesNo

    Jaundice YesNo

    Hives YesNo

    Rash YesNo

    Eczema YesNo

    Abnormal Pigmentation YesNo

    Frequent infection or boils YesNo


    URI (cold) presently YesNo

    Spitting up blood YesNo

    Chronic or frequent cough YesNo

    Asthma YesNo

    Wheezing YesNo

    Difficulty breathing YesNo

    Any trouble with lungs YesNo

    Pleurisy YesNo

    Pneumonia YesNo


    Gynecological YesNot Applicable


    Age started / year

    Age Duration / Days/ year

    Frequency (days)



    Date of first day of last period

    Endometriosis YesNo


    Stiffness YesNo

    Thyroid trouble YesNo

    Head Eyes Ears Nose Throat

    Do you wear contacts? YesNo

    Eye disease or injury YesNo

    Double vision YesNo

    Headaches YesNo

    Glaucoma YesNo

    Itchy eyes or nose YesNo

    Sneezing or runny nose YesNo

    Nosebleeds YesNo

    Chronic sinus trouble YesNo

    Ear disease YesNo

    Impaired hearing YesNo

    Dizziness YesNo

    Transient episodes of unconsciousness YesNo


    Chest pain or angina pectoris YesNo

    Shortness of breath with walking YesNo

    Shortness of breath with lying down YesNo

    Difficulty walking two blocks YesNo

    Heart trouble or heart attacks YesNo

    High blood pressure YesNo

    Swelling of hands YesNo

    Swelling of feet YesNo

    Swelling of ankles YesNo

    Heart murmur YesNo

    Awakening at night smothering YesNo

    Valvular heart disorder YesNo


    Frequent urination YesNo

    Loss of urine YesNo

    Night time urination YesNo

    Burning or painful urination YesNo

    Blood in the urine YesNo

    Kidney trouble YesNo

    Kidney stones YesNo

    Locomotor - mulculoskeletal

    Varicose veins YesNo

    Weakness of joints YesNo

    Any difficulty walking YesNo

    Claudication YesNo

    Arthritis YesNo

    Back pain YesNo

    Neuro - Psychiatric

    Ever had psychiatric care? YesNo

    Ever advised to see a psychiatrist? YesNo

    Fainting spells YesNo

    Convulsions YesNo

    Paralysis YesNo


    Are you slow to heal after cuts? YesNo

    Blood disease YesNo

    Anemia YesNo

    Iron deficiency YesNo

    Iron overload YesNo

    Phlebitis YesNo

    Abnormal brusing YesNo

    Abnormal bleeding YesNo

    Thalassemia YesNo

    Thyroid disease YesNo

    Hormone therapy YesNo

    Change in hat or glove size YesNo

    Any change in hair growth YesNo

    High cholesterol YesNo

    High triglyceride YesNo

    Dry skin YesNo

    Hot intolerance YesNo

    Cold intolerance YesNo

    History of excessive bleeding (after tooth extraction or surgery) YesNo

    Diabetes YesNo

    Psychological evaluation

    Have you ever been in any kind of counseling or therapy? Please describe:

    Are you or have you ever been under a psychiatrist's care? If yes, what was your diagnosis?

    Have you ever participated in a support group? Please describe:

    Are you or have you ever taken psychiatric medications? Please describe and for what purpose:

    How long has excess weight been an issue in your life?

    What methods have you tried to lose weight?

    What do you hope to obtain from this surgery?

    What are some of the changes you want to make in your lifestyle upon having this surgery?

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    Hello 👋
    I´m Rosy Meza, personal assitant to Dr. Huacuz. How can I help you?